I continue to be surprised how people share music online.
One of my most listened playlists of 2017, I literally cannot take any credit for. Even though I technically made it, I followed a recipe Bandsintown did all the heavy lifting on.
Their article had 25 different embeds, as if anyone would take the time to find the tab with the embeds every 2–4 minutes, and scroll down to the next song? It's not just Bandsintown btw, this is very standard practise.
I know a ton of work has gone into creating these lists of cool things, gathering the correct embeds, and making it all look nice. Since all this work is getting put in anyway, why not just take it all the way – and make it into a playlist actual humans will be able to listen to.
If I wasn't working in a position where I actually can make a little playlist every now and then, I never would have listened to any of the bands mentioned by Bandsintown. And so many of them are great, nay – fantastic.
Today I came across another baffling way of sharing a playlist, that granted was possibly not intended to really be listened to. This was not just shared by any old loser. This was shared by Ryan Holiday.
a screenshot?? Wait. What just happened?
Man. You are like internet royalty.
You should know how to share different media online.
It literally took 4 minutes to create a playlist that could – and should – have been included in the original post instead of a screenshot. So instead of googling the 25 songs I spent 4 minutes myself setting up a Spotify playlist so I could see if there were any good finds in there.
I hope Ryan Holiday doesn't mind me taking the liberty of putting his screenshot into an actual listenable format. And then making him the example of poor music sharing on the internet. Sorry about that btw.
Please don't send the mobs after me.