thanks for visiting me on the web.
I write about music. business. technology.


I would love to be the kind of person who just presses play on the top playlist Spotify shows me that day, but no. I'm way too picky with what I want to listen to so I've always ended up making my own playlists.

My general style is pretty accessible if slightly eclectic. Over the years I've been asked for links, so here they are.


When a friend asked me for some tips on writing, I couldn't adequately explain myself in my reply to her. This is what I wanted to say to her.

The feedback so far has been wild. The three parts cover how to get ideas, what's my process, and the tools to use.

My Articles

This page is hosted on Promogogo, a platform I've worked on building while I worked as a Product Manager there. While it does host content, like my website here and the MakeWorkWork website, it's a product about ticket sales.
